Friday, 11 April 2014

My current obsessions

1. Game of Thrones (the TV show) Frankly, who isn't obsessed with Game of Thrones; I mean just LOOK at Jon Snow! Talk about gruff! I'm in the process of reacquainting myself with seasons 1 and 2, before moving onto season 3, which Cheryl kindly loaned to me. I know she's dying to gossip about season 3 with me, so I'm moving through 1 and 2 as quickly as possible! I'm even watching it as I type.

2. A Song of Fire and Ice (i.e. Game of Thrones, the books) - I'm currently a quarter of the way through the first book and can't put it down. The characters (particularly the female characters) are even more compelling in the books than they are in the series. Daenerys Targaryen and Lady Stark in particular are both far more complex characters in the books than they are in the series. I'll be posting a review of the book once I've finished it.

3. Wedding planning. Boy, it's proving harder than I ever imagined. Our particular problem is that we don't have a budget to work within (for various reasons), which makes planning almost impossible! The ceremony venue and registrar are booked though, as is the reception venue. My Pinterest boards are filling up nicely with ideas, and I already have most of it mapped out in my head. Just have to work out some way of paying for it all now!

4. My garden. We've lived in our little house for two years now, and as we've made the decision to remain until we can afford to buy somewhere of our own, I've decided that this summer I'm finally going to make something of the garden. I've always kept it tidy and mowed, but I've never really made it my own. I've decided to purchase some large planting pots and have various species of flowers in them. I adore tulips, so they are high on my list, and I'd also love some wildflowers, peonies and hydrangeas. I planted a white rose bush when we first moved in, which has somehow managed to thrive, despite my complete gardening ineptitude. A trip to the garden centre looks imminent.

5. Getting myself in shape. As most of my friends will know, in the last couple of years I've lost a huge amount of weight. This wasn't always easy, and took a great deal of self-denial and willpower. Over the last year that willpower has drained, and subsequently I've put around a stone of the weight I'd lost back on. My aim is that by the time Cheryl and I go to Dubai in September I'll be back in my bikini, and looking better than ever. I'm devising myself an eating and fitness plan to accompany this, and will be relying on my friends to prevent me from sabotaging myself (which I am prone to doing). I'm determined to be as healthy as I can be (whilst still enjoying life along the way!) I've been completely inspired by an online friend of mine, Laura Jane Williams, who has been working has ass off (literally) since the beginning of the year, and has lost 35lbs, gone from a size 16 to an 8/10 AND has run a 10k! Her dedication and commitment blows my mind, and I'm determined to follow in her (now very slender) footsteps! Some of the work gals and I have signed up for the Race for Life Pretty Muddy 5k in July (which you can sponsor us for here), so I'll be needing to get into shape for that. Well, any shape other than round, that is!

Friday, 4 April 2014

WEEKSTAGRAM // 26th March - 1st April

Quiet week this week...... Baked a Fruity Tea Loaf as a Mother's Day gift // Saw a beautiful combination of flowers on sale - tulips and hyacinths. Gave me some ideas for wedding flowers // The Mamma Mia Italian Food Market arrived in Cardiff and brought a touch of Italian tastiness to the capital // Cheryl and I had a wander around town and marveled at what passes for fashion these days! Feeling intensely old right now! // Started eating walnuts as a healthy lunchtime and post work out snack // Significant changes have been made to our wedding plans, including a change of date and change of reception venue. Aberdare Hall is currently the front runner for the reception venue. Meeting with the venue next week to discuss our ideas